Holland Track Management Plan


The Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPAW), through its Kalgoorlie, Merredin and Narrogin offices, has jurisdiction over the area through which the heritage track runs. Track Care WA Inc is dedicated to the care and preservation of four-wheel drive tracks and their environs in WA. The WA 4WD Association is the peak body of member four-wheel drive clubs (including the Toyota Land Cruiser Club of WA) in WA. The Toyota Land Cruiser Club of WA Inc (TLCCWA) is a volunteer organisation for drivers of four-wheel drive vehicles providing camping and social activities, driver training and fellowship so members may fully enjoy their vehicles. The Club aims to demonstrate a responsible attitude towards off-road environmental conservation. Within the context, and consistent with the roles of the above organisations, the TLCCWA has adopted the Holland Track, volunteering to provide ongoing care and maintenance.

The TLCCWA appreciates the support from DPAW in its adoption of the Holland Track and wishes to continue the mutual exchange of information. The TLCCWA, as a member of both Track Care WA Inc and the WA 4WD Association, expects the courtesies as expressed in the Memorandum of Understandings between DPAW and Track Care WA Inc & DPAW and WA 4WD Association to be extended to TLCCWA. TLCCWA Expectations from Track Care WA Inc and WA 4WD Association   Support from Track Care WA Inc and the WA 4WD Association is appreciated by the TLCCWA. As the adoption of the Holland Track, by the TLCCWA, is being done in the interests of Track Care WA Inc and the WA 4WD Association, the TLCCWA seeks the free flow of information and recognition as a reference on the Holland Track .


The Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPAW), through its Kalgoorlie, Merredin and Narrogin offices, has jurisdiction over the area through which the heritage track runs. Track Care WA Inc (TCWA) is dedicated to the care and preservation of four-wheel drive tracks and their environs in WA. The WA 4WD Association is the peak body of member four-wheel drive clubs (including the Toyota Land Cruiser Club of WA) in WA. The Toyota Land Cruiser Club of WA Inc (TLCCWA) is a volunteer organisation for drivers of four-wheel drive vehicles providing camping and social activities, driver training and fellowship so members may fully enjoy their vehicles. The Club aims to demonstrate a  responsible attitude towards off-road environmental conservation. Within the context, and consistent with the roles of the above organisations, the TLCCWA has adopted the Holland Track, volunteering to provide ongoing care and maintenance.

The TLCCWA appreciates the support from DPAW in its adoption of the Holland Track and wishes to continue the mutual exchange of information. The TLCCWA, as a member of both TCWA and the WA 4WD Association, expects the courtesies as expressed in the Memorandum of Understandings between DPAW and TCWA & DPAW and WA 4WD Association to be extended to TLCCWA. TLCCWA Expectations from TCWA and WA 4WD Association   Support from TCWA and the WA 4WD Association is appreciated by the TLCCWA. As the adoption of the Holland Track, by the TLCCWA, is being done in the interests of TCWA and the WA 4WD Association, the TLCCWA seeks the free flow of information and recognition as a reference on the Holland Track .

TLCCWA Undertakings

1- Develop a code of ethics outlining preferred options to be followed by those using the Holland Track.

2- Promote the code of ethics outlining preferred options by:

    • Use of signs produced in conjunction with Track Care WA (TCWA).
    • Promotion on the TLCCWA website.
    • Promotion through TCWA and WA 4WD Association.
    • Providing the information that travellers may seek from TLCCWA.
    • Travelling the Holland Track at least once per year and undertaking clean-ups and maintenance in line with DPAW objectives such as:
      • Remove fallen trees from the track and close off bypass tracks.
      • Perform track repairs where it is practical to perform such work, using hand tools.
      • Restore any fences and bollards used to protect environmentally sensitive areas.
      • Restore signs to the current standard and install new signs to current standards where realignment of tracks introduces ambiguity.
      • Report to DPAW any maintenance which may be required for the sustainability of the track but is beyond the scope of the TLCCWA resources.
      • Referring any work to DPAW beyond restoring the track to its present condition before being undertaken.
    • Assisting DPAW with any new developments to the Holland Track that enhance its use as a four-wheel drive experience and protect the fragile environment.
    • Providing information to people wishing to travel the Holland Track and seeking feedback from travellers of the track. The TLCCWA believes this needs to be broadly advertised to a wide range of interested people. If the WA 4WD Association and TCWA wish to promote this exchange of information, the TLCCWA offers to act as a point of contact via the TLCCWA website.

Contact Us

At any time, you are welcome to contact the Toyota Land Cruiser Club of WA’s Holland Track Office directly by email… hollandtrack@tlccwa.org.au

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